Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Failure, or a Reboot, you decide.

So my initial plan has come to an end. On Friday we returned the Ute to the Bike Gallery. While Kai enjoyed being my co-pilot she would rather pedal, and while in theory the Ute would have been an excellent commuter bike, in actuality it was too long to fit anywhere in my office, and being in Portland where weather is always a factor I didn't really want to leave it sitting outside.

That being said I have not given up completely on trying to not rely as heavily on our car. After returning the Ute we ordered a few things to make parts of my plan still be possible. The first being a Trail-a-Bike for Kai, which is basically a kids bike without a front wheel which attaches to an adult bike. Hopefully this will show up this week and then I can let everyone know how it went (I have 2 maybe 3 of you that read this blog, I mean c'mon I can't be expected to update that many people directly).

The other thing was to buy a rack and some panniers for my bike in order to make my commute to work easier. I hate riding with a backpack and planning ahead and leaving a duffel bag at work is just a pain in the ass. My bike does not have the correct mounts for a rack but I found a decently nice Avenir seat post mounted rack and a set of bags that is made to go with it. I haven't tested them out yet but got them mounted to the bike today and it seems like they will work well. With any luck I will give them a go this week. I'm dreading finding out how out of shape I truly am once I get back on my bike.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing that Kai would rather pedal, that's cool for her. You want the kid attachment so she can keep up, right? Does she have her own little bike so she can ride on her own too?
    Sucks you had to return the bike but Plan C looks to be shaping up well. I hate riding with the backpack too, and if you aren't using the bike for racing then there is no reason to not throw paniers on there.
